22nd PRO PR Conference NEWS

Andras Sztaniszlav

2. September 2024.

Andras Sztaniszlav

Andras Sztaniszlav started his career as a journalist, later worked for the Government Services as a Comms Officer and then became a strategic communications advisor.

His consultancy service (PersonaR Communication Advisory Ltd) has been on the market since 2005. Over the years he advised clients from the corporate and not-for-profit sectors, startups, and company leaders. He also owns a small digital marketing agency operating in London and Budapest.

He is a Chartered PR Practitioner, a Fellow of the CIPR; President of the Hungarian PR Association. He has been recognized by PRO.PR Global Award in 2018. He was appointed as the Interim CEO for ICCO on 1st January 2024.

As a consultant, he mostly works with in-house comms teams, agencies, and project teams on organisational developments, strategic planning, stakeholder management and creating organisational narratives.

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