22nd PRO PR Conference NEWS

Andras Sztaniszlav

14. December 2022.

Andras Sztaniszlav

Andras Sztaniszlav

Vice-Chair at CIPR International, Vice President at HuPRA Board of Management at ICCO

Andras Sztaniszlav has over 15 years of experience in strategic PR consultancy. He started his career as a journalist, then worked for the Prime Minister’s Office in Hungary as a communication advisor. In 2005, he co-founded his own PR consultancy PersonaR which provides strategic counselling to corporations on reputation and stakeholder management, sustainability, measurement, as well as internal and crisis communication. He consults with both corporations and SMEs, start-ups and social enterprises. He works both in Hungary and in the United Kingdom and mainly focuses on international communications project. He is a CIPR Accredited Practitioner, Vice Chair for CIPR International, Vice President at the Hungarian PR Association and Board Member at the International Communication Consultancy Organisation.

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