22nd PRO PR Conference NEWS

Andrej Krajner

14. December 2022.

Andrej Krajner

Andrej Krajner has almost 20 years of experience in the field of communications and marketing. He began his career during his study years, working in the Slovenian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. While finishing his master’s degree, he joined Pristop Group, one of the leading consultancy and communications companies in SE Europe. As a corporate communications consultant, he worked on building the image, communication, and brand strategy of numerous domestic, regional, and global accounts.

After more than seven years in an agency, he decided to continue his work in the telecommunication company Si.mobil (today A1 Slovenia), a part of A1 Telekom Austria Group. The company is a leading provider of digital services in Central and Eastern Europe, with more than 24 million consumers, and operates in seven countries. There, he took the position of Corporate Communications Manager, and three years later he became the Communications Director. In addition to corporate communications, he is also responsible for marketing communications, brand, events, and CSR. After the general regional reorganization of Telekom Austria Group in 2015, he also became the Corporate Communications Director of another company within the group – Vip mobile Serbia.

In the year 2016 he joined NLB Group – the leading financial group with headquarters and an exclusive strategic interest in Southeast Europe. In addition to NLB d.d., NLB Group is comprised of seven subsidiary banks and several other companies for asset management, leasing, real estate management etc.
The Group utilises a universal banking model and supports its clients through retail, corporate, and investment banking services. On six out of seven markets where the Group operates, the market share of member banks exceeds 10%. At first, he was, again, in charge of Group Corporate Communications, while later he also took over Group marketing and strategic brand management responsibilities, together with events, CSR, sponsorship, advertising and digital marketing, to name just a few.

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