22nd PRO PR Conference NEWS

Dijana Tepšić

14. December 2022.

Dijana Tepšić

Dijana Tepšić

Spokesperson at Centre for Gender Equality of Republic Srpska

Ms. Dijana Tepšić was born on April 5, 1979 and she lives in Banja Luka. She graduated from the College of Communications in Banja Luka in 2005 (generation 2001/2005). In 2009 she completed a two-year post-graduate study and obtained a master’s degree in Gender studies from the Center for Interdisciplinary Postgraduate studies at the University of Sarajevo.

She started to work as a volunteer at the age of 16 on radio stations in Banja Luka. For ten years she worked as a radio host, radio DJ and author and editor of many radio broadcasts with the most listened radio stations in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Her personal and professional contribution was recognized in the media and society especially in the area of human rights’ and gender equality advancement. At the moment Ms. Tepšić works at the Centre for Gender Equality of the Government of the Republic of Srpska, taking part in many projects such as: „Family Without Violence“, „Life without Violence“, „Choose Equal – For improving position of women in politics“ etc.

She is also an author of many scientific and professional papers such as: „Rural women in Bosnia and Herzegovina“, „Gender Action Plan in Bosnia nad Herzegovina“, „Prevention and combating domestic violence in Bosnia and Herzegovina“ etc.

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