22nd PRO PR Conference NEWS

Edhem Fočo

14. December 2022.

Edhem Fočo

Edhem Fočo

Al Jazeera Network Sarajevo – Director

Vision Manager Award

Edhem Fočo was born in 1972. He completed his secondary education in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina and then attended Kulliyyah of Law and Shari’ah at the International Islamic University Malaysia upon attending one year of studies at the Faculty of Law at the International University of Sarajevo.

He is fluent in six languages which include Bosnian, English, Malay, Arabic and Turkish. In sixteen years Mr Fočo has professed his leadership expertise while gaining a multitude of experiences in various business sectors which comprise of Manpower, Consultancy, Oil & Gas, International Trade, Information Technology and Investments.

His impressive career has contributed to a series of strong networks and contacts in Europe, Africa, Middle East and Asia, especially in the fields of finance and government administration. His fields of interest explore many disciplines which encompass his award-winning Turkish restaurant in Kuala Lumpur in 2004 to serving as consultant to various oil and gas companies. Today Edhem Fočo is the Director of Al Jazeera Network d.o.o. Sarajevo.

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