Juergen Gangoly
Managing Partner at The Skills Group GmbH
CEO of the The Skills Group (http://skills.at), one of the leading communications consultancies in Austria. Vice president of the Austrian Public Relations Association – PRVA (http://www.prva.at) responsible for International Affairs and the quality certification “Austrian PR trust seal”. International Board member of the International Communications Consultancy Organisation – ICCO (http://www.iccopr.com). Since 2016 ICCO’s Regional President for Europe.
Juergen is specialized in issue management, crisis communications and high-end strategy consulting. He has written or co-authored several publications on online communications and E-Commerce and is active as keynote speaker or lecturer on social media and mass communications all over Europe since many years.
In his over 20 years in Public Relations, he developed and implemented – as a PR industry front-runner – numerous complex, innovative and most successful PR and communications programs for national and international clients in the public and private sector. Consequently, he won 5-times a SABRE Gold award in the EMEA region and is a multiple winner of the national PR awards in Austria and Germany.
Before joining the professional PR industry some 20 years ago, Juergen has been active as social worker, campaign director and Youth representative at the Council of Europe, the European Union and at United Nations conferences.
He is married, has two kids and is a passionate scuba diver and also awarded as underwater photographer. He speaks German, English and basic Arabic.