22nd PRO PR Conference NEWS

Lazar Bošković

14. December 2022.

Lazar Bošković

Creative Director and owner of AgitPROP

Within over 30 years’ experience as a copywriter, screenwriter, satirist, author, content creator, web producer and publicist, Lazar Bošković won over 30 awards for media, public relations, marketing and internet projects. He started career in communication as a journalist for the student radio program Index 202, in 1987. As a writer and producer of the Index Radio Theater, from 1989 to 1996, he has authored around 50 screenplays for radio and TV shows. His marketing career began at Saatchi & Saatchi, in 1992.
Lazar Bošković founded his own agency AgitPROP in 1993, and the agency’s clients include: NIS – Gazprom Neft, City of Belgrade, Tourist Organization of Serbia, Serbian National Internet Domain Registry, EUnet, President of the Republic of Serbia, Tourist Organization of Belgrade, Infostan, Zvezdara City Municipality, Ikarbus, Lasta, Delta sport. The AgitPROP’s specialties are creative concepts, content creation and creative consulting for digital communication. As an author in the digital world, he is active since the beginning of the Internet in Serbia in 1997. Today he is a digital communication consultant for large-scale and complex internet projects.
Lazar is a member of UEPS (Association for Serbian Market Communications) since 1995, NUNS (Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia) since 1997 and DSOJ (Public Relations Society of Serbia) since 2004. He was a creative director and member of the Board of Directors at Radio Index, and also a co-owner until 2009. From 2006 to 2009 he was a vicepresident of Program Board at public media service Radio Television of Serbia. He was the founder of PR project Beo-kom servis (Belgrade public utilities communication service) at Belgrade City Administration.
His lecturing activities are predominantly related to internet content, as the most important element of contemporary PR. In the field of corporate publishing, he is the author of concept and text for numerous publications by major Serbian institutions and companies. Also, Lazar is the author of multimedial project Tesla’s Vision of the Internet, TV documentary “1 Internet, 3 Domains, 4 Countries” and articles in professional print and online media. He is the winner of DSOJ’s Special PR Award “Srđan Đurić” in 2018, for an outstanding personal contribution to communication in Serbia.

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