22nd PRO PR Conference NEWS

Luisa Piazza

14. December 2022.

Luisa Piazza

Luisa Piazza

Head of Marketing, Promotion and Tourism Department at City of Torino

After 24 years in the private sector Ms. Piazza has achieved a sound experience in Marketing, Corporate Communication and Public Affairs with good strategic vision, negotiation and problem solving skills, acquired in different roles within large companies. She has also developed an international profile and network along the years as her company’s representative. In 2015 she joined the public sector, strongly convinced of the added value deriving from sharing different experiences between profit/no-profit, public and private sectors.

A Syracuse-born, Turin-adopted citizen, Ms. Piazza is passionate with International relations and travelling. After graduating in Political Sciences, she got a Master in Management, then a specialization in Intl. Marketing at INSEAD (Fontainebleau) a discipline she has practiced for half of her career and she currently teaches in 3 different Masters at the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis. In the  second half of her career, Ms. Piazza was the head of Institutional & Governmental relations, both at national and European level, serving as the company’s spokesperson for all the topics related to her responsibilities: Data protection, E-commerce, Tlc, Internet, Advertisement, Environment, Digital Agenda. Actively involved in a range of professional Associations, among which FERPI, the leading Italian Association of Communication and PR professionals.

Curious about foreign languages and cultures, she loves writing about her journeys. She believes in the value of keeping an open dialogue between different worlds and the positive effects deriving from art and cultural contaminations.

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