22nd PRO PR Conference NEWS

Maja Šotra

14. December 2022.

Maja Šotra

Maja Šotra

Philip Morris Serbia – Manager Communications and Contributions at the Corporate Affairs

Maja Šotra is Manager Communications and Contributions at the Corporate Affairs Department in Philip Morris Serbia. Maja was born in Belgrade and obtained education in France, Scotland and England.

After the Baccalauréat Général of l’Académie de Reims in France, she read the media studies and research. At Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh Maja obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications studies and in 2000, she a Master of Arts degree in Film and Television at Royal Holloway University of London.

Maja started the professional communications career in 2001 in the marketing agency S Team Bates Saatchi&Saatchi Ideas Group. Later on she worked for Ogilvy&Mather agency. Maja was in charge of developing communication strategy for the campaign „Serbia on a good path“ marking the first anniversary of democratic Government in Serbia.

In 2005, she joined Philips Morris International affiliate in Serbia in the corporate communications role in Corporate Affairs department. During her nine years career in the leading tobacco company, she was responsible for corporate and regulatory communications covering the markets of Serbia and Montenegro. In 2011, she served in company’s HQ in Lausanne as Manager regulatory communications for PMI’s market worldwide.

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