22nd PRO PR Conference NEWS

Milica Stefanović

14. December 2022.

Milica Stefanović

Milica Stefanović

Public Affairs, Communications and Sustainability Director for Sparkling, Central and Eastern Europe, The Coca-Cola Company

Milica Stefanović is a Senior Public Affairs and Communication Manager in the Coca-Cola Company, since 2007. She leads public affairs, corporate communications, reputation management and sustainability programs for Serbia, Macedonia and Montenegro.

Milica strongly believes that strategic cross-sectoral partnerships can yield meaningful structural changes. She influenced and participated in the creation of key business legislative frameworks through industry alignment, implementation of corporate and industry policies and standards, creating strategies and coalitions for improvement of the legislative and industry playing field.

Milica Stefanović has chaired Food and Agriculture Committee of Foreign Investors Council Serbia since 2012. She is a member of Executive Board of Red Cross Belgrade, and a member of Managing Board of International Advertisers Association (IAA), Public Relations Society of Serbia Advisory council. Milica is also a member of the working group for drafting first National Codex of Advertising in Serbia, and chairs Beverage Association and co-chairs Food & Beverage Association within Chamber of Commerce.

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