22nd PRO PR Conference NEWS

Nađa Lutvikadić-Fočo

2. October 2023.

Nađa Lutvikadić-Fočo

More than 10 years of experience in media, public relations, corporate communications, and government affairs. Expertise includes the creation and implementation of promotional campaigns, developing communications strategies and tactical campaigns, media relations, corporate image, and reputation management, maintaining favorable relationships with various stakeholders (internal and external), etc.

Responsible for management of the Promotion Communications Department and tasks include branding and organizing promotional campaigns and strategic planning.

Responsibilities for: Strategic planning of promotional activities at the corporate level; Branding and organizing promotional campaigns; Advertising and media planning; Production and audio and video promotion; Online promotion, Web and social media communication, Marketing analytics and media relations; Strategic and corporate communication, CSR, Image building and Managing; Event Management (organizing of various events to promote the company and its services, …); Development of Web, design, content and digital communication channels, SEO, Content marketing, Email marketing, Mobile marketing, Corporate social responsibility projects (donations, sponsorships, …)

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