22nd PRO PR Conference NEWS

Radoje Cerović

14. December 2022.

Radoje Cerović

Radoje Cerović

Executive Manager at Communication Strategies and Consulting

Psychologist, neuro-linguistic programming and clinical hypnosis expert, business consultant at the field of communications, sales and PR. Radoje has a masters degree in psychology from La Sapienza University of Rome. He has a twenty years of experience in business consulting, mostly in Italy and Montenegro. Some of his clients are european branches of multinational companies from field of automobile industry, many Ministries, international organizations and public administration in Italy and Montenegro. Radoje is engaged in research dealing with topic of neuroscience usage in business communication, sales, marketing and PR. His business communication model called „Neurosales“ is used in many Italian business systems, especially in automobile industry. There is not many experts in USA and Europe who deal with appliance of new cognitions from the field of neuroscience to PR. Radoje is co-author of the book „New business culture“ that was published by renowned publisher Franco Angeli. The book deals with business communication and strategy change in business culture. He is a member of Italian psychologists register and a MENSA member. Radoje is a science fiction fan and his hobby is a haute cuisine. He is also a hedonist, militant atheists and pacifist and eastern philosophy lover.

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