22nd PRO PR Conference NEWS

Toni Muzi Falconi

14. December 2022.

Toni Muzi Falconi

Toni Muzi Falconi

Director and Senior Consultant at Methodos

A public relations expert who has gained his experience working for Stanic Industria Petrolifera, 3M Italia, l’Espresso and Fabbri Editori.

Created and founded MF Communications (1974/76), SCR Associati, later to become Shandwick (1976-1994), On/Off interactive solutions (94-96), Methodos (1996/today). Has been president of Idom (Impresa Domani) and of IPR (Public Relations Institute)), vice president and president of Ferpi (Italian Public Relations Federation), the only non parliamentary member of Committee on Communication in the Chamber of Deputies 1998-99 and Secretary General of the 9th June Committee on electoral reform (1992-93). Scientific Consultant in 2000-2001 on the targeted project “Integrated Communication for Reform” set up by the Ministry of Public Functions and coordinator in 1999 of the National Conference on Information Technology Updating by the year 2000, promoted by the government. President and founder of the Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communication Management. Today, he lectures on global and public affairs on the Master in Public Relations and Corporate Communication course at NYU (New York), on public affairs at the Luiss government school and on public relations at LUMSA.

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