Violeta Cvetkovska
PR Manager at Karpos Municipality
Violeta has a vast work experience in field of journalism, business, finance and public relations. She started her career as a journalist in Macedonian daily news papers. Throughout the years she gained experience as a journalist and editor which was a great help for the upcoming career in public relations. Prior to the employment in the field of PR, she worked in Government of Republic of Macedonia and also in business and finance as a member of AAG- Analysis and advisory group. In 2007 Violeta started working in PR in Agency of electronic communication. After two years she began her work as a PR manager in Municipality Karpos, where she has been working ever since.
Violeta has a degree in Psychology from The Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje. She also gained title of Specialist in managing strategic communication at School of journalism and public UNESCO program.
During her career, she was part of many proffesional trainings in various fields, such as Corporate Governance (USAID CG&CL project), Workshop on economic, business and financial reporting (Embassy of the United States of America) and PR and communications (Apriori Communication PRO.PR Congress 2008).
Besides Macedonian, Violeta speaks 5 languages – English, French, Serbian, Croatian and Bulgarian.