22nd PRO PR Conference NEWS

Anne-Marie Cotton

14. December 2022.

Anne-Marie Cotton

Anne-Marie Cotton

Senior Lecturer at Artevelde University of Applied Sciences (Ghent), Past President EUPRERA

After earning an MA in Romance Philology (Ghent University), a Master’s in Business Administration (Lille University), an MA in Marketing (Vlerick School of Business, Leuven – Ghent), as well as the university diploma for a teacher, she started her professional carrier in advertising (Grey, Saatchi&Saatchi, J. W. Thompson and GGK).

Teaching communication management at Artevelde University of Applied Sciences since 1992, she has been European coordinator of the MARPE Network, organising Erasmus Programmes on Lobbying and Government Relations (2011-2014), and Public, Corporate and Civic Diplomacy (2018-2021).

She was president of EUPRERA from 1999 to 2001 and secretary general from 2002 to 2010, organising several symposia. She was awarded for the EUPRERA Honorary Member in 2017, and EUPRERA Best Reviewer in 2018.

As an active member of academic and professional associations (MICA, Euprera, LASCO, RESIPROC, C²), she regularly acts as an expert in panels for accreditation of communication programmes and takes part in scientific committees. She has been Managing Editor of the International Journal Scientia Paedagogica Experimentalis since 1995.

She is preparing her Ph.D. at Bordeaux University, looking at the mutations of the communication profession from the practitioners’ perspective, and publishes articles, book chapters and books intertwining communication and education.



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