22nd PRO PR Conference NEWS

John Croll

2. September 2024.

John Croll

John is current Co-Founder and CEO of Truescope, a global Media Intelligence company servicing corporate and government clients in a number of countries.  Previously, John was appointed CEO of Media Monitors Pty Limited in 1999. John led Media Monitors and subsequently Isentia, through private equity and an IPO on the Australian Stock Exchange to be Asia Pacific’s leading media intelligence company delivering services to 5,000 clients in 11 markets with more than 1,200 employees.

Isentia was listed on the ASX in 2014 and John resigned in February 2018 after nearly 20 years as CEO and Managing Director. He is a Life Fellow of the Public Relations Institute of Australia, a Fellow of the International Association for the Measurement and Evaluation of Communications (AMEC), and a member of the Institute of Company Directors.

John is Chair of the Australian Sporting Alliance for People with a Disability and was Vice President of the Australian Paralympic Committee for eight years. His service to the Committee, sporting organisations and subsequently people with disability, saw him awarded a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) in 2019.

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