22nd PRO PR Conference NEWS

Maja Rakovic

2. October 2023.

Maja Rakovic

Maja Rakovic graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade, in the group for Sociology. She founded Naxi radio in 1994, setting new standards in the radio industry from the beginning. On her initiative, Naxi Radio became a partner of the BBC and Deutsche Welle. In 2010, she founded the representative association of radio stations RAB Serbia, she is the president of the Association and the organizer of RAB Serbia’s Radio Days. Maja is the head of the Naxi Media brand, which brings together 4 Belgrade-based radio stations, Naxi Nacional (the largest network of radio stations in Serbia), Naxi Digital with 33 online radio stations, Naxi portal and Naxi traffic cameras platform.

Through her work and dedication, she managed to transform the Serbian radio market into a modern media industry. Maja is dedicated to the education of fellow editors, managers, journalists and radio presenters.

As a representative of RAB Serbia, she was a member of the working groups formed by the Government of Serbia for the development of the Media Strategy until 2025, for writing the Action Plan for the Strategy for the Development of the Public Information System in the Republic of Serbia and for writing the Law on Public Information and Media.

For her professional accomplishments Maja received a large number of awards in the country and the region.

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