22nd PRO PR Conference NEWS

Nataša Pucar

14. December 2022.

Nataša Pucar

Nataša Pucar 

Corporate Communications Director at Studen & CO Holding


Nataša Pucar has graduated Communication science and now is obtaining role of Director of Corporate communications in STUDEN Holding, an international company based in Vienna, and a regional headquarters for Southeast Europe in Brčko, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH). Nataša manages the communications of Holding in 10 countries and for 8 brands positioned in the South East Europe market. With her work and knowledge, BIMAL, the most recognizable brand of edible oil on the BIH market and she developed and built the brand of AGRAGOLD, the regional leader in the sugar market.

With more than 10 years of experience in corporate and marketing communications in the categories of edible oil, sugar and coffee, he has gained comprehensive knowledge in the field of marketing and communication strategies in the food processing and distribution sector for wide consumption. In the same time, he is in charge of managing internal and online communications at the level of Holding, and since 2014 is also head of the IT service of the business group. During her professional career, she has participated in numerous educational courses including London School for Public Relations, Public Relations, Crisis Management and Corporate Communications courses. With the “European Women’s Manager” Award Nataša was awarded in 2015 year.

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